+34 609944958 info@limpiopiscinas.com

Swimming pool waterproofing service available in the Marina Alta, Marina Baixa y la Safor

Experience performing quality waterproofing in pools with filtration problems or water loss. Keep your pool protected with our pool waterproofing treatment.


Waterproofing for concrete pools in: Javea, Denia, Calpe, Teulada Moraira, Orba, Gandia y Benidorm

Are you having filtration problems in your pool?"

Cuidado jardine y piscina javea Moraira

Waterproofing systems for swimming pools

There are different materials that can be used for waterproofing pools, and the selection depends on various factors such as the type of pool and available budget. Some of the most common materials used for pool waterproofing are:

  1. PVC lining: This material is very popular due to its durability and resistance to UV rays and pool chemicals.
  2. Waterproof mortar: Waterproof mortar is a durable and resistant option, but it requires a professional application.
  3. Rubber membrane: An affordable and durable option for waterproofing a pool, but it may be susceptible to punctures.
  4. Waterproof paint: An affordable and easy-to-apply option, but it may require an annual application to maintain its effectiveness.

Increase the durability of your pool with our Pool sealing service

In what situations would it be necessary to waterproof your pool again?

  • When replacing the lining or tiles, and when the pool is already several years old, it is a good time to perform a new waterproofing that will be a good investment in preventing water leakage for 25-30 years.
  • When the pool has countless cracks.
  • When the pool is located above garages or storage rooms, as is the case with many communal pools.
  • When there is water leakage around any plastic parts of the pool.
Rejuntando con Weber piscina

Infinity overflow pool with water loss problems?

If your infinity pool constantly experiences water loss, it is likely that it is not properly waterproofed. Most builders do not pay the same attention to waterproofing the overflow, compensation tank, or side as they do to lining the pool basin.

We can provide you with a definitive solution by identifying the affected areas with waterproofing problems in the overflow, compensation tank, or side and then correcting them. Finally, you will be able to fully enjoy your infinity pool.



+34 609944958

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