+34 609944958 info@limpiopiscinas.com

Sand change service in swimming pool filters in: Jávea, Dénia, Calpe and Teulada

If you’re looking for a pool filter sand replacement service to improve the quality of your water, you’ve come to the right place!

change sand

do you need to replace sand in pool filter?

electrolisis de sal, Javea

change pool filter sand

“It is essential to maintain the quality of your pool water to enjoy a refreshing and healthy summer! Over time, the sand becomes dirty and obstructs the flow of water through the filter. It is recommended to change the pool filter sand every 3-5 years.

In our pool filter sand replacement service, we use high-quality sand to ensure that your pool has crystal clear and impurity-free water. Additionally, our service is fast and efficient, so you can quickly get back to enjoying your pool without any worries. We also offer competitive prices.

Don’t wait any longer to enjoy a clean and crystal clear pool. Contact us now and leave the maintenance of your pool in the hands of professionals


tratamiento electrolisis piscina

cost to replace sand in pool filter for glass

The glass used in swimming pool filters is a filter medium made from recycled glass that has a more effective filtration capacity than sand. In addition, glass is more durable, requires less maintenance, and is more environmentally friendly than sand. Changing from sand to glass can be a bit more expensive than changing from traditional sand, due to the cost of the material.

The prices are related to the quantity in kilos of sand or glass that is put into each filter, they include the material and professional fees.

ARENA: 100k – 160€|125k – 180€|150k – 210€

CRISTAL: 100k – 225€|125k – 275€ |150k – 325€




+34 609944958

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