+34 609944958 info@limpiopiscinas.com

Expert Pump and Filter Installations in: Jávea, Dénia, Calpe and Teulada.

Enjoy Perfectly Balanced Pool Water with Our Pump and Filter Installation Experts

pool pump and filter

Do you need to replace your pool pump or filter?

climatizacion piscina

choose the right replacement for pool pumps and filters

If you are looking for pool pump and filter installers in the Marina Alta area, we recommend that you contact us as we specialize in pool equipment. The choice of a good pump and filter for your pool is crucial to maintain the water quality in optimal conditions.

It is important to choose a pump and filter that are compatible with each other to ensure optimal performance. We offer a wide selection of filters and pumps from the best brands. And we have a great variety of filtration pump models. Our technician will visit you and advise you on which one is most appropriate for your pool.

Save energy and money with our high-efficiency variable speed pool pumps! Save up to 80% on energy and adjust the motor speed to your specific pool needs. Improve your pool experience and make a smart investment today!

cleaning outdoor terraces

Steps we take in every installation of pool pumps or filters

  1. The installation team will visit you: to evaluate the needs of your pool and design a filtration or pump system that fits your requirements.
  2. Equipment selection: Professionals will guide you in the selection of equipment, taking into account the size of your pool.
  3. Installation: Technicians will install the filtration system or pump making the necessary adjustments.
  4. Testing and start-up: Tests will be carried out to ensure that everything works correctly before starting up your pool filtration system.
  5. Instruction and guidance: Finally, the installation team will provide you with detailed instructions on how to operate and maintain the equipment to obtain the best results and extend its lifespan.





+34 609944958

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