+34 609944958 info@limpiopiscinas.com

Pool maintenance in La Marina Alta, Marina Baixa, and La Safor

Hello! This is all about comprehensive pool maintenance:


  1. Crystal clear and healthy water: To ensure your pool always has clean and perfect water.
  2. Reliable and durable repairs: If something needs fixing, we do it right the first time, and it lasts.
  3. Installations for maximum enjoyment: We transform your pool into the perfect place for ultimate enjoyment.

Our pool services can be matched but not surpassed

Over the years, what once seemed like a challenge, such as mastering complex chemistry and solving leak detections, has turned into increasingly simple and routine tasks.

Today, we are at our best, always ready to tackle new challenges with speed and confidence. Would you like to rely on our experience and dedication for the care of your pool? Let’s talk, and we’ll make your pool the perfect place to enjoy without worries!

Our Specialized Services

Pools, terraces, and gardens cleaning

Pool Cleaning

mantenimiento jardines y piscinas

Garden Cleaning

  • Garden Maintenance Service: Professional Care for Your Outdoor Area
  • Cleaning and Garden Preparation:
  • Pruning of Shrubs and Trees: Shaping Natural Beauty with Technical Precision.

Terrace Cleaning

Keeping your outdoor area pristine and inviting is our priority.

Our team takes care of removing dirt and stains so you can fully enjoy your terrace or patio.

From surface cleaning to specialized treatment, we ensure that every corner regains its original shine.

Pool Repair and Renovation on the Costa Blanca

localizar fugas de agua en piscinas

Water Leak Detection

Regrouting - Grout

Revitalize the appearance and functionality of your pool with our professional regrouting service! We guarantee durable joints for years, using special materials designed for even saltwater grouting

Pool Coping

The outer stone edge of your pool looking like new without the need to replace the stone. Treatments with special mortars or natural minerals, anti-slip and anti-mold. A renovation with many advantages.

Installations to Maximize Your Pool Enjoyment

Pergolas and Awnings

We offer an elegant and functional solution to fully enjoy your garden, terrace, or pool area. Transform your outdoor space into a haven of comfort and style with our pergola and awning installation service!

we repair cracks in swimming pools

Artificial Grass

Experience the perfection of a garden with our artificial grass installation service! At Limpiopiscinas, we specialize in crafting impeccable green spaces that demand minimal maintenance yet provide enduring beauty.

What makes our pool maintenance service stand out?


Because we fulfill what we promise

Our commitment is backed by well-experienced technicians.


Because of our satisfaction guarantee

Maximum Guarantee on all pool repair services.


Because you'll get competitive prices

The best value for money on the Costa Blanca

"Contact us for any inquiries related to your pool


+34 609944958

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