swimming pool leak detection in Marina Alta, Marina Baixa y la Safor
We are specialists in detecting pool leaks, achieving maximum efficiency without incurring excessive costs. Our repairs are not only practical and effective but also address the water loss issues that affect pools. Moreover, we understand the specific design of our clients’ pools, ensuring a definitive repair at the lowest possible cost.
pool leak detection
Is your pool losing water? We can help you!
Detecion and repair of swimming pool leaks
With our advanced Pool Leak Detection and Repair Service, you can quickly identify any water escape and have it efficiently repaired. We detect water loss with just one visit, providing a complete inspection of the most critical points of your pool.
What We Offer:
- Comprehensive inspection of pipe conditions.
- Detailed examination and detection of cracks.
- Thorough inspection of areas with poor waterproofing.
- Prompt resolution of any identified issues.
detect leak in swimming pool
Detecting leaks in pipes.
Most water leak problems in pools are detected using this system. A water pressure test on the pipes is conducted by an experienced plumber in this field. Each of the pool’s pipes is isolated, water is injected, and we monitor the pressure.
Leak detection in the structure.
It is an inspection where we check the structure of the pool. And when we encounter a crack, the key question is: Was this pool built with gunite or masonry blocks?
Waterproofing Evaluation
Waterproofing in pools is essential. In addition to the general condition of the waterproof material, a standard pool has more than 12 critical points where leaks can occur due to expansion or improper installation of the waterproofing material. Sometimes these problematic points are easily visible, but other times they are not seen at first glance.
Pool leak repair
Once the specific problem is detected, we will provide you with a detailed repair estimate. We proceed to repair the water leak using specialized techniques and high-quality materials.
For cracks and fissures, we apply sealants and waterproof coatings that ensure a long-lasting solution.
In the case of defective pipes, we perform precise replacements to ensure the correct flow of water.
If areas with poor waterproofing are found, we reinforce these zones with advanced materials that prevent future leaks. The entire process is carried out with maximum speed and efficiency so you can enjoy your pool in perfect condition as soon as possible.
+34 609944958
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