+34 609944958 info@limpiopiscinas.com

Gardens and Pools Maintenance in Marina Alta

We offer a complete maintenance service for gardens and pools, so that they are always in optimal condition. Our team of highly experienced professionals in the gardening sector is at your disposal to ensure that your garden is always well-cared for.

Garden services

Are you looking to have a clean and beautiful garden?

Garden cleaning

Gardening cleaning service is an essential activity to maintain a healthy and attractive environment. It focuses on the removal of debris and rubble to improve the growth of plants in the garden. It includes various tasks such as:

  • The removal of fallen leaves and branches.
  • Trimming and cleaning of bushes and trees.
  • Cleaning of pots and planters.
  • as well as the cleaning of hard surfaces such as paths, patios, and terraces.
  • Fertilization and nourishment are also carried out to maintain the health and vitality of the plants.

Garden maintenance

The garden maintenance service aims to keep the garden in excellent condition throughout the year, unlike garden cleaning, which is done periodically. Tasks in regular garden maintenance include:

  • Regularly mowing the lawn to maintain the appropriate height.
  • Trimming and cleaning bushes and trees.
  • Controlling weeds and unwanted plants.
  • Watering the garden regularly to maintain proper soil moisture and prevent plants from drying out.
  • And fertilizing to maintain the health and vitality of the plants.

Tree and palm pruning

The tree pruning service aims to improve the appearance and safety of trees. It involves the removal of damaged or diseased branches, as well as shaping the tree into a desired form and removing branches that may pose a safety risk. The most common trees that are pruned in the region are palm trees, pine trees, olive trees, orange trees, lemon trees, pomegranate trees, almond trees, and cypress trees.


  • Pruning tasks include the removal of damaged branches.
  • Elimination of branches that interfere with power lines or structures.
  • Creating a desired shape such as a spherical or conical shape.
  • Improving the tree’s appearance.
  • Controlling the size of the tree.
  • And enhancing safety, such as branches that are close to buildings or roads.

Garden and pool maintenance


The pool and garden maintenance service is offered to clean and maintain both the pool and garden in an integrated manner. The goal is to maintain a pleasant, healthy, and safe outdoor space for use and enjoyment. Tasks include cleaning the pool to remove dirt and leaves, monitoring water chemistry, and maintaining the filtration system.

In the garden, tasks such as mowing the lawn, cleaning hard surfaces, watering the garden, and pruning trees and shrubs are carried out. All of this is done to maintain a clean, attractive, and safe outdoor space for relaxation and entertainment.




+34 609944958

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